Managing Chronic Pain

Persons experiencing chronic pain soon learn how complex the Pain issue actually is. How it takes hold of the brain, body, and everyday activities.

There are several ways to deal with the harmful effects of debilitating pain and work toward overcoming them.

Not only does daily body aches take a toll on activities, but it also breaks the individual down mentally and emotionally.

Doctors have reported that it is a significant cause of severe depression and anxiety. A person’s stress levels are increased due to lack of sleep or the inability to do simple daily tasks.

Another crucial element in one’s life is the effects upon a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Dealing with the constant battle of muscle, joint, and other types of pain becomes easily frustrating, causing a person to decline invitations to activities where the pain may be impacted, or embarrassment when needing to ask for help with simple tasks such as walking upstairs, stepping down from a high step, opening things, or something as simple as standing up from a seated position.

Personal relationships are significantly impacted due to suffering from pain which can cause withdraw, bring on irritability, causing strain on those closest to them.

Avoidance of activities can and will further impact the issues surrounding pain, which can lead to the body becoming weaker.

Muscle tone will quickly be lost, and overall health will decline. The area where the pain is centralized will also become de-conditioned causing further deterioration.

Most persons suffering from pain will also find that they develop hypertension, poor circulation, and other problems with vital organs due to sedentary behaviors.

Some people who have made a choice to not take prescribed medications are plagued with insomnia, which will impacts memory and cognitive abilities. Attention span will diminish, and fundamental functional changes occur. Eventually, this can lead to dementia or long-term memory loss. This is often referred to as “cognitive fog.”

The effects of our hormonal balances take a toll on our sleep, mood, metabolism. The endocrine system is affected when a person suffers from consistent pain, disrupting the biological processes leading to weight gain.

Excessive cortisol and adrenaline brought on by stress may negatively impact the body, causing many issues such as impaired immune systems and sexual dysfunction.

Finding a solution that can help alleviate the endless bouts of pain and not risk addiction is the optimum route. There are several over-the-counter “OTC” products, natural remedies, and less risky solutions that can assist in managing discomfort.

Health care practitioners can recommend several excellent solutions. 

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